CranioSacral Therapy, Life Coaching, Spiritual Counseling, Past Life Regression Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Reiki Energy Work, Psychic Training, Mediumship Training, Psychic Development, Mediumship Development, & Much More Located in Las Vegas, NV 89108
Helping People Create BADASS LIVES!
About US
Meet the Zen Rose Garden Team
About Heather Kim Rodriguez, PhD & David A. Caren, CHt
Zen Rose Garden is dedicated to the healing, empowerment & self-realization of the individual on all levels.
Through a unique combination of Intuitive & Healing Gifts, David & Heather as a team create a Holistic Healing Modality they call Holistic Integration Therapy, utilizing a wide variety of Healing Techniques which combine to assist & optimize their clients' processes of releasing fears, healing & self-empowerment. These methods include; CranioSacral Therapy, Reiki, Intuitive Guidance, Past Life Work, Healing Mediumship, Hypnotherapy & Spiritual Life Coaching.
As lifetime students of Spiritual Healing, David & Heather met in 2008 & formed Zen Rose Garden. Together they have been serving in a Healing capacity & have administered more than 8,000 sessions to Las Vegas residents & people around the world. Blending their unique combination of Intuitive Gifts and Healing Techniques, they dedicate their service together to the healing, empowerment and self-realization of their individual clients.
Heather Kim Rodriguez, PhD
Heather is a trained Spiritualist Medium, Clairvoyant, Reiki Master, CranioSacral Therapist, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Channel and Healing Medium. Struck with a vocal disorder after a devastating trauma, she was told by medical experts it was incurable, but instead chose to pursue alternative methods on a quest for a cure. This journey of a lifetime led to the total healing of her voice and opened her abilities as a Healing Medium. Now, a lifetime scholar and expert in the field of Metaphysics, Mediumship, Comparative Religion, Dream Interpretation, Shamanism and Mythology, she is passionate about helping others understand and control their gifts. She is also the author of Goddess Unchained, and is pursuing Doctoral Studies in Natural Healing, Comparative Religion & Transpersonal Psychology.
David A. Caren, CHt
David is a Master Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Reiki Master, CranioSacral Therapist, Life Coach, Clairsentient, Conscious Channel and Healing Medium. As a teen, David experienced a Near-Death Experience which served as a Shamanic Opening, accelerating his gifts as a Medium. As a result of his journey, David is gifted in guiding those who struggle through emotional blocks to find, resolve and release deep levels of fear hidden in the Subconscious. He is currently working on a book on Primal Brain Response in human behavior based on his methods to overcome primitive urges when it is contrary to one's higher desires. He is also pursuing Doctoral work in Metaphysics and Psychology.
More About Heather and David
Heather & David love bringing their insights and expertise to each and every session.
Their life long journey of self discovery and expansion brought them together in November of 2008 when they discovered how natural it was for them to work as a team with clients.
Each bring their own talents, influence, and perspective to provide clients with a truly holistic experience with the main focus being each client's growth and expansion.
Everyone is different with differing goals, and this team maintains that awareness when working with individuals tailoring every session to exactly what is in the best interest of the client.
Their wide range of expertise means they bring an arsenal of tools to each and every session pulling out what works best for each situation.
They have a holistic and personalized approach to healing that includes; CranioSacral Therapy, Reiki Energy Work, Life Coaching, Past Life Regression and Readings, Hypnotherapy, channeling and mediumship training, Intuitive Counseling and Psychic Readings, Spirit Guide Connection, connecting and expanding your intuition, and more.
They are pleased and excited to share with you what they love to do.
So, find out for yourself how this amazing partnership can benefit your life in amazing ways.
Schedule a session to experience yourself.
(Holistic Integration Therapy)

Heather Kim Rodriguez, PhD & David A. Caren, CHt
Become Your Most Authentic Self With Zen Rose Garden
Breaking through blocks to YOUR PERFECT LIFE!
Helping thousands of people worldwide break free with Zen Rose Garden's unique
Holistic Integration Therapy (HIT)
Start Your Transformation Today!
Let Us Help You Change Your Life!
Some of our specialties:
CranioSacral Therapy (In Person Only)
Life Coaching
Spiritual Counseling
Neuro Linquistic Programming (NLP)
Reiki Energy Work
Past Life Regression Therapy
(In Person Only)
Psychic Training
Mediumship Training
Psychic Development
Mediumship Development