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Your First Session
WHAT TO Expect
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Over 350
5 Star Reviews

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First Session In Person
What To Expect:
Feeling IS Believing!
Some things to know about your First Session In Person with Heather & David.
A few things before your session: We do work from a residence, so don’t feel lost coming to a residential area. We have our entire front area set up for our work. There’s also a shop, if you’re drawn to crystals, gemstones, tarot & oracle cards, essential oils, gemstone bracelets, or any tool to help you along your path. You’ll be working with a team (David & Heather). Wear something comfortable, like yoga pants or shorts.
We know this may be new to some, and you haven’t experienced what sets Zen Rose Garden apart from the rest, so we’d like to offer your first hour for a discount. The value of our work, and the amount of attention we bring to each client makes us a cut above. We believe in an even exchange of energy for everything we do. You’re welcome to check out our Verified 350+ 5 Star Reviews to get a feel for the value of the work we do.
Don’t take our word for it. Try it yourself. Find out what it’s like to have a session with David and Heather.
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[testimonial image_width=”142″ name=”B.H.” company=”Las Vegas, NV” stars=”0″]
“What a fantastic unexpected experience. I scheduled a session based on a friend's reccomendation and did have any expectations. It was an experience i will never forget. Having a Zen road garden session is a must for anyone visiting Vegas. I will be back for sure.”
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Client-Directed Sessions
vs Therapist-Directed Sessions
Therapist-Directed sessions are where the therapist knows what you need more than you do, and directs the session according to their expertise. CLIENT-DIRECTED sessions are where a therapist will listen to the client and allow the internal wisdom of the client to guide the session. The skills of the therapist come into play when listening to the subtle clues and supporting a client in their own discovery, growth, and release.
We listen to your body and let that guide us through the session. Every session is different, depending on what you want to present on a non-conscious level. You don’t have to know what that is, your body will guide us to discovering those pieces, and processing through them. Come with an open mind, willing to play, pretend, and imagine like a child. It doesn’t have to make sense in the moment, it will after you discover all the pieces of your puzzle.
Some things you may experience are heat coming from our hands, tingles, pulsations, vibrations, etc. That tends to come more from the energy work portion.
You may also experience emotional components or memory components coming to the surface. This comes from your body mind and spirit presenting whatever it feels you’re ready to work through, and that part of you knows that Heather & David have the skills to handle whatever it brings up.
We will guide you through anything that comes up, no matter how deep or how strange it may seem initially. We have the skills to walk you through your release.
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Curious? Try it out for yourself! No obligation to continue.
We are confident that you’ll enjoy the experience.
Your First Session runs about 1 Hour.
We explain what we do and how it works. We explore root issues and release blocked or stuck energy so that you can move forward in your life, easily and effortlessly.
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Become Your Most Authentic Self With Zen Rose Garden
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