It can be hard to keep a positive attitude all the time, especially when we're bogged down by stress from work, school, or other aspects of life. However, studies have shown that people who maintain a positive outlook are more likely to experience better physical health, higher job satisfaction, and increased lifespan.
So how can you turn that frown upside down? I made a quick video to share some tips on balance and a balanced lifestyle.
Watch this quick video for some feel good tips.
How To Find Balance In Life
Let's talk about how to live a balanced lifestyle. First of all, what is BALANCE? What is a balanced lifestyle? It seems like our lives are divided into many separate containers of energy: Work, play, rest, time to commune with the deeper aspects of the body, the soul and the spirit, quality time with our children if you have them (this can include fur babies, of course), time with partners and so on.
But, finding true balance in life is really when all aspects of your life are in harmony and your life force flows in equilibrium and NOTHING feels out of sync. BUT, alas, this is easier said than done. And what's more, only you can determine what balance means to you and only you can determine what is important to you. So there is the issue: what is balance in life for one person may not be balance in life for another. There really is no “one size fits all” formula. But there are some guidelines that can help us find our balance in lives and that is what I want to explore with you today.
Let's Get Real About How To Find Balance In Life
Let's be real: we all have demands that push us to make choices that throw us off balance and effect our good habits. We get busy just trying to live, pay the bills, keep the lights on, pay the car insurance and keep food on the table. And, in all of this rush of activity just to stay alive, we can begin to feel like a crazy person ready to check ourselves into an asylum or run away to Bali with the first hot guy you see in line at Starbucks. And so, it becomes really easy to neglect our good habits, you know, the ones that help us actually find balance in life, stay centered and stay connected to our happiness, like getting in our yoga every day, taking enough time to nurture our relationships in a meaningful way, taking care of our health and making the time to contemplate the right career choices for our future. There are SO MANY THINGS!
So, again I ask: with all of the things we have to accomplish in life just to keep the ship floating, how do we fix this? AGAIN ONLY YOU decide how much time and energy you are willing to devote to different areas of your life and that is where it starts right?

Visualization Exercise To Find Balance In Life
Try this simple visualization exercise to learn how to find balance in life and see how you are using your energy: Imagine that your life is a house made up of many rooms. Then, draw each part of your life as its own room, and size each room according to the amount of energy you put there. Include your family, your alone time, the activities you spend in service to others, your health, your party time, your personal pleasure indulgences, exercise and working on yourself, whatever that means for you. The important part here is that you pick the categories that work for your life and are the most relevant for your particular lifestyle.
Then step back and take a look at what you have done. You will probably discover that some rooms take up way too much space and leave you with not enough resources to keep the other rooms clean and tidy. This is where you know you need to make some adjustments. You may want to spend less time on these activities and more on the ones that fulfill you. This may take a little more intention to make the shift and you may feel some inner resistance to changing your habits, but trust me it will be worth the effort.
Everyone Seeks To Find Balance In Life
Most people seek balance in their lives, but don't know how to find it. But, balance, my friends, is absolutely important and essential for a healthy and happy life. There are many ways to find balance in your life and by doing the room exercise, you can start by taking inventory of the different areas of your life that are important to you. You will find that they might include your health, relationships, work, leisure time, and personal growth and some others you might not have even considered. But, once you KNOW what is important to you and you have eliminated the busy work that you THOUGHT was important but was really just sucking up your time, energy and sanity, you can start working on creating more balance in your life.
Why We Try To Find Balance In Life
I think one of the main reasons we as humans find it hard to find balance in life is that we may have never stopped intentionally to really create a roadmap, a blueprint or really charted out consciously the things that are important to our soul and made them a true part of our schedule, and made them just as important as the basic things in life that we must do (like pay the bills and go to work).
You can try different ways to create balance in life but the main thing is to make sure that you schedule time for the different areas of your life that are important to you. The room exercise is just the beginning. The hard part is actually putting it into practice.
Practical Ways To Find Balance In Life
Now, how to find balance in life in a realistic and practical way… For example, if you want to make sure that you have time for your health, you might schedule time for exercise and healthy eating and really take it seriously as an important part of your to-do list.
If you want to make sure that you have time for your relationships, you might schedule time for date night or family time. After all, the richest part of our life experience often comes from the quality and depth of our meaningful relationships. But sadly, these are things that might be the first to be neglected in favor of the less pleasurable but necessary work tasks that keep the bills paid and the lights on.
If you want to make sure that you have time for work (or create more balance because you are working too much), you might create better scheduled times for making meetings more efficient and productive and create a better schedule to help you meet deadlines with less stress and effort. The bottom line is that by scheduling time for the things that are important to you, you can help to create balance in your life and less stress for yourself and others in your life.
The Most Important Part Of Balance In Life
When it comes to discovering how to find balance in life, there are some important things to consider. Of course, one of the most important ways to create balance is to always make sure that you have time for yourself and I mean on the daily, every day, non-negotiable, even if it is only a ten-minute nap on the couch. Now, everyone and I do mean everyone, super heroes included, needs some time to relax and recharge. So be serious about scheduling this time for yourself every day.
And, maybe a few times a week, schedule something a little longer like doing something you enjoy for longer periods, such as reading, doing a crossword puzzle in the garden with a cup of tea, taking a long hot bath, a steam or sauna, or spending time in nature. By taking care of yourself on a soul level like this as a serious non-negotiable, you can help to create balance in your life.
How To Know When You Have Found Balance In Life
How do you know when you have a balanced lifestyle? How do you find balance in life? While I can't tell you exactly what should be right for you and what should be a hard “no”, I can tell you what it is supposed to feel like for you when you have found that balance in life. I can tell you that creating balance in your life is a process that takes time and effort and that you may have to stop, reset and re-prioritize as you go. After all, your needs, wants and desires will change as you grow and evolve. And I can tell you that it is worth it if you are willing to commit to yourself, your wellbeing and your happiness.
By finding your unique way to balance, you can live a healthier and happier life. You will know you have found that balance in life when you have a state of being where you have time and energy for both obligations and pleasures, and time to live well, gratified, grateful, with happiness, health, and fulfillment.
Emotional Release Therapy In Las Vegas
With Heather Kim Rodriguez, PhD

Heather Kim Rodriguez, PhD, has 14-years of experience coaching since 2008 with Emotional Release Therapy in Las Vegas, to help clients stay mentally, emotionally and spiritually balanced and feeling good as well as helping to heal emotional trauma with a unique combination of Craniosacral Therapy, Life Coaching, Guidance, Reiki and Energy Work.
It's time to feel better!
I'm there for you to help you feel confident and to really smile from the inside out. You deserve it!
If you're interested in working with me, go ahead and grab a spot. I only have so many spots though, so don't wait too long.
I made a quick video for you with more details and you can check that out by tapping the link below.
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