NV Energy Work

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Join Heather & David of Zen Garden Rose


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Las Vegas Reiki in NV
Reiki in Las Vegas, NV Energy Work:

Chakra Balancing & Energy Healing

Don’t take our word for it. Try it yourself. Find out what it’s like to have a session with David and Heather.

Reiki (Energy Channeling) – Relax, Reduce Stress, Relieve Pain. Naturally & Effectively.

This is one modality that should be experienced to understand. Feel for yourself what Reiki is. Feeling IS Believing!

The process is similar to a massage except you remain fully clothed, and we address root issues you want to improve in your life.

Once a root issue is released, you no longer have to repeat the symptomatic cycles associated with that issue.

Each session runs about 1 hour.

We explain what we do and how it works. We explore root issues and release blocked or stuck energy so that you can move forward in your life, easily and effortlessly.


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“What a fantastic unexpected experience. I scheduled a session based on a friend's reccomendation and did have any expectations. It was an experience i will never forget. Having a Zen road garden session is a must for anyone visiting Vegas. I will be back for sure.”




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What is Reiki?

Reiki is a spiritual healing art with its roots in Japanese origin. The word Reiki comes from the Japanese word (Rei) which means “Universal Life” and (Ki) which means “Energy”. Reiki is not affiliated with any particular religion or religious practice. It is not massage nor is it based on belief or suggestion. It is a subtle and effective form of energywork using spiritually guided life force energy.

Reiki is the life energy that flows through all living things. Reiki Practitioners understand that everyone has the ability to connect with their own healing energy and use it to strengthen energy in themselves and help others. It is believed that a person’s “ki” or energy should be strong and free flowing. When this is true a person’s body and mind is in a positive state of health. When the energy becomes weak or blocked it could lead to symptoms of physical or emotional imbalance.

A Reiki session can help ease tension and stress and can help support the body to facilitate an environment for healing on all levels – physical, mental, and emotional. A session is pleasant and relaxing and is often utilized for one’s personal wellness.

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Curious? Try it out for yourself

We are confident that you’ll enjoy the experience.

We explain what we do and how it works. We explore root issues and release blocked or stuck energy so that you can move forward in your life, easily and effortlessly.

Las Vegas Reiki Session

($200 USD price is per hour / Averages 1 hour)

In Las Vegas Reiki in NV 
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Outside Las Vegas Reiki in NV 
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Become Your Most Authentic Self With Zen Rose Garden

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