CranioSacral Therapy, Life Coaching, Spiritual Counseling, Past Life Regression Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Reiki Energy Work, Psychic Training, Mediumship Training, Psychic Development, Mediumship Development, & Much More Located in Las Vegas, NV 89108

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Past Life Regression ​Therapy
Curious About Past Lives? Been Here Before?
Want To Know More About Your Life Now?

Past Life Regression Therapy

Explore YOUR Past Lives!

Past Life Regression Las Vegas, NV
Feeling IS Believing!

Explore YOUR Past Lives!

Past Life Regression Therapy – Through Hypnotherapy, experience the possibilities of life experiences beyond this one. Take a guided journey to gain understanding beyond this life here and now, and bring that understanding back with you.

Each session runs about 1-2 hours and we typically explore 2 – 3 different life experiences that hold the most importance and significance in your life now.

With Past Life Regression Therapy, the goal is to allow the deepest parts of your truth to guide us back to whatever experiences hold the most significance & value for you in this life now whether those experiences are in this life, past lives, future lives, or in between lives.

Through Hypnosis, David guides you through your own experience from the inside out using whatever constructs your mind prefers to unlock that powerful part of your subconscious mind that know what got stuck, where it got stuck, and how to release it.

Heather also does a Past Life Reading at the same time to tap into and convey the information that she picks up while we're going through your own journey. At the end of your journey, we compare notes and see how the Past Life Reading fits with your own Past Life Regression.

You're welcome to record Audio or Video if you'd like.

Curious? Try it out for yourself!

We are confident that you'll enjoy the experience.

We explain what we do and how it works. We explore root issues and release blocked or stuck energy so that you can move forward in your life, easily and effortlessly.

Looking for our Standard Sessions?


Heather Kim Rodriguez, PhD, David A Caren, CHt, Zen Rose Garden, Las Vegas, NV
Heather Kim Rodriguez, PhD, David A Caren, CHt, Zen Rose Garden, Las Vegas, NV

Heather Kim Rodriguez, PhD & David A. Caren, CHt

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Become Your Most Authentic Self With Zen Rose Garden

Breaking through blocks to YOUR PERFECT LIFE!

Helping thousands of people worldwide break free with Zen Rose Garden's unique

Holistic Integration Therapy (HIT)

Start Your Transformation Today!

Let Us Help You Change Your Life!

<p>Start Your Transformation Today!</p>
<p>Let Us Help You Change Your Life! </p>
<p>David & Heather are here to take you to whatever your next level is. They have created a specialty service called Holistic Integration Therapy (HIT for short) that combines many techniques, tools, and knowledge gained over their extensive work helping people to become their most authentic selves.</p>
<p>They know how to help you get down to and break through whatever is blocking you or holding you back from living your own personal dream. And, if you don’t even know what that is yet, let them help you to unbury that treasure beneath, and start making that dream real!</p>

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