CranioSacral Therapy, Life Coaching, Spiritual Counseling, Past Life Regression Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Reiki Energy Work, Psychic Training, Mediumship Training, Psychic Development, Mediumship Development, & Much More Located in Las Vegas, NV 89108
Helping People Create BADASS LIVES!
Reiki Training &
Reiki Attunements
Learn Reiki For Yourself & Others. Amplify Your Life!
Don't take our word for it. Try it yourself. Find out what it's like to have a session with David and Heather.
Reiki Training & Attunement Level I in Las Vegas, NV
Level 1 Reiki Training and Attunement
Level I Reiki Training & Attunement.
Students learn how to perform sessions on themself & others, hand positions for self treatment, hand positions for treating others, the history of Reiki, and it's uses and benefits.
Each course runs about 2-4 Hours.
Reiki Training and Attunement Level I
Reiki Training & Attunements Level II in Las Vegas, NV
Level 2 Reiki Training and Attunement
Level II Reiki Training & Attunement.
Students learn 3 Reiki symbols, their uses & meanings, and how to perform a Distance Reiki Session.
Additional techniques are covered both for physical sessions and distance sessions as well as connecting exercises.
Each course runs about 2-4 Hours.
Reiki Training and Attunement Level II
Reiki Master Teacher Training & Attunements Level III in Las Vegas, NV
Become A Reiki Master Teacher
Help Others
Level III Reiki Master Teacher Training & Attunement.
Students learn how to pass attunements & training on to others.
The student also learns an additional symbol, it's use, and meaning.
More is covered on ethics and responsibility & more.
Each course runs about 2-4 Hours.
Reiki Master Teacher Training and Attunement Level III
If you're looking for our Standard Holistic Integration Therapy (HIT Sessions), Book Below
(Holistic Integration Therapy)

Heather Kim Rodriguez, PhD & David A. Caren, CHt
Become Your Most Authentic Self With Zen Rose Garden
Breaking through blocks to YOUR PERFECT LIFE!
Helping thousands of people worldwide break free with Zen Rose Garden's unique
Holistic Integration Therapy (HIT)
Start Your Transformation Today!
Let Us Help You Change Your Life!
Some of our specialties:
CranioSacral Therapy (In Person Only)
Life Coaching
Spiritual Counseling
Neuro Linquistic Programming (NLP)
Reiki Energy Work
Past Life Regression Therapy
(In Person Only)
Psychic Training
Mediumship Training
Psychic Development
Mediumship Development