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Skype Sessions
Start Your Transformation Today!
David & Heather Are Here To Help You Take Your Life To The Next Level!
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Over 360
5-Star Reviews
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Standard HIT Sessions By Skype
(Holistic Integration Therapy)
Add Us On Skype: @zenrosegarden
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Half Hour Skype Session
(30 Minutes)
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One Hour Skype Session
(60 Minutes)
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We’ve had to make some adjustments due to the incredible response to our appearance on MTV’s Teen Moms OG (Season 5 Episode 9),
& our Weekly Snapchat Show (zenrosegarden) Bedhead Diaries
Bedhead Diaries also archived on Zen Rose Garden’s YouTube Channel (zenrosegarden).
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Become Your Most Authentic Self With Zen Rose Garden
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We Have Over 360
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